John 3:8

The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear its sound, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes. So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Throwback Thursday

It all started with a box of Barbie cards my sister and I found in our room. We used to use them for a game, years ago. We wanted to play it again, so we decided to set aside a day; a day on which to do things that we enjoyed as kids but haven't done for years.

This day became known as "Retro Day".

Today we got up and asked "when should we do Retro Day?"
--How about today?
"sure, why not?"

But if you're gonna do Retro Day right, you can't just pull out the game and play. You have to eat foods we ate as kids--snacks and drinks included.


you have to put on music from back in the day (say, Amy Grant). Then you have to get your game face on, and play!

After two rounds of Barbie cards it was time for some bubble-blowing. and not that soapy stuff. I started off with a pretty wimpy attempt and then it was Krissy's turn.

She didn't do much better.
gettin' bigger...
We were both pretty messy.
We finally got a good one of Krissy!
But I think I get the prize.. (not braggin or anything)
Well, I would say Retro Day was a success!! Makes me thankful to have a sister. (Who else would be a complete goof with me for a day?)
So, this got me thinkin.. what do YOU miss doing as a kid? I'd love to hear some funny stories, or just good ol fond memories. Any takers?

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Life in Limbo

"So what are you doing now?"

That's the question I've gotten most in recent weeks. Answer: Not a tons. But a lot, at the same time.

Here's the thing--there's lots of pressure to find a job, make money, etc. But I'm not dying. I'll be ok for a bit. I have money saved. It's real strange to come back to your home after making your home in a foriegn country for a year, and well, I think my heart needs a rest.

Part of me wants to jump right into somethinganything, to know that I'm doing something of importance. But the other part just reminds me that I'm not quite done letting go of (not sure if that's the best term. maybe processing, greiving the end of...etc) last year. I know I need to be fully where I am, but my heart is lagging behind on this one.

Don't get me wrong--I LOVE being home. I love seeing good friends, family (my little nephew and niece, who we just sent off yesterday to visit Korea for 5 weeks!), and spiritual family; I love meeting new people and sharing about what God's doing in other parts of the world. But I guess the uncertainty of what's next is pulling me into a state of longing for the "good ol' days." Those being, of course, ones when I was busy doing something that I deemed worthy of doing. And I guess I've been trying to figure out--what is worthy of doing now, here? What does my heart crave to be a part of?

But the real question is, what does God want me to do today? What does HE say is worthy of doing?
Would you pray with me for God to show up in real ways and direct my attention, my desires, my path? My friend and mentor, Denise, shared with me that, as "cliche" or "sunday school-ish" as it may sound, going back to Proverbs 3:5-6 has been so helpful in the midst of the limbo-like life. I am deciding right now to pray that verse every day, as I begin my morning.

See, there are a number of things that I am considering right now. I am looking into Social Work jobs in my area, things with international organizations, other ministries, and I am just not quite sure where I should be focusing. Right now I am learning to focus on today. my family. my time spent talking with Jesus. And that's ok.

In addition to these things, I have begun to read through a book with my friend Evette, and I am loving the process of reading something together. I would encourage all of you to do it. Choose a book to go through with a friend or family member. Start reading it and discuss it every so often. :) I think you'll love it, too. With that in mind, I put up a page on this blog called "Recently Reading". Click on the link on the right side to see a list of books that I am currently, or have recently, read. You may find something interesting.

With that, I will sign off and get back to reading and dreaming big. Thanks for the prayers. I am grateful for you. Peace and joy!

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Birthday Bash

So I admit-I'm the worste ever at maintining a blog. If you actually read this, please let me know and get on me if it's been a while. I need some friendly reminders every so often.
Before I get to life back in the States (as I did return in the end of January), I do want to tell you all the amazing story of my birthday last year, which happened to fall on 12-12-12!! (did I ever mention my favorite number is 12? (btw, Favorite Bible verse = Romans 12:12. Check it out).
Birthday Bash(es!):
About a week before my birthday, I was asked to have breakfast with one of my girlfriends at her house before a meeting. special breakfast? of course! Breakfast is my favorite meal! I noticed that morning my housemate was rushing a little (ok a lot) more than usual to get to class. Why was she in such a hurry? oh well..
I show up for breakfast at my friend's house, and she tells me to sit down while she gets something in the other room. The next thing I know, I'm being sung to in a round by other friends, who are appearing from the surrounding rooms! The first thing out of my mouth was "are you serious?"
I laughed so hard to see everyone popping out.
[Funny, that phrase "are you serious?" Has since become a favorite line, encompassing many events in my life, good and bad. In ten years, you just might see a book published with that title, cataloging those humorous incidents.]
Here are some pictures from that morning's breakfast 

The actual morning of my birthday, I was laying in bed, when i receive a text; "are you awake?"
"where are you?"
-(it's 6am) "I'm in my room."
[one minute later] music begins to play and voices are heard beside my window! The guys are there to wake me!! I leave my bedroom to find this!

some of the guys who came to sing to me:

Did you know Google sends you birthday greetings?!

Did I mention, my birthday fell on a cool day-- 12-12-12. This is at 12:12pm

Went to lunch with a couple good friends. We ordered pasta with eggplant...except, we couldn't find the eggplant in it.. the chef graciously pointed out to us that the fleck on the rim of the plate was the eggplant. umm.. right. It took all I had not to laugh in her face. she was serious.

I invited students to come hang out at our center and have snacks. A few girls came, and we had fun ;)

After the center closed, the girls decided to walk me back to my house. before we got there, we were met by another girlfriend, who blindfolded me and led me into my yard. I opened my eyes to see lots of people, singing Hapy birthday to me!! It was nightime and they had decorated the yard with handmade hanging papre lanterns.. hand.made. seriously incredible. 


As you can see from the pictures, we had a good time and lots of good food. They also prepared a native pinyata and other games for the party. I had lots of friends there, and there were definitely lots of smiles. I have never felt more loved. :) Thank you everyone who made it such a special day.